Booking Appointments

Appointment booking at the click of a button through our seamless booking experience

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Automate the appointment calls- engage OTTO to do the laborious work of calling each patient and offering them an appointment slot. OTTO is designed to engage with the patients on an voice call and offer them choice of slots.


OTTO is extremely efficient and can engage with multiple patients on simultaneous calls as well as give patients the choice of appointment slots thus reducing the booking activity time.


With OTTO you can now reduce your partial booking cycle to the stipulated 3 weeks. Reduce the burden of cancelled clinics due to doctor leaves and theworkload of inbound rescheduling calls.


What our clients and partners say about us

OTUA’s technology is so impressive. OTTO’s three products have revolutionised the patient journey. What really stands out is OTUA’s dedication to prioritising effective communication and interactions within the healthcare space. The way that OTUA has leveraged AI to offer a reliable and innovative solution is remarkable.

Andres Del Risco

FDRY - Founder

OTUA’s commitment to providing productive communication between healthcare organisations and their patients is exceptional. Their technology reduces the partial
booking time to 3 weeks which shows how efficient their solution is. Additionally, the ability to customise OTTO to best suit your organisation’s needs sets OTUA’s products apart.

Emmy Hayward

Digital Marketing Manager - FDRY